Transitioning from Legacy Vulnerability Management to Next-Gen VM Solutions

Whether you’re in the early stages of building a vulnerability management program or aiming to elevate an already mature operation, this webinar will offer valuable insights into transitioning from legacy VM solutions to next-gen approaches.

Join Scott Kuffer, Co-Founder and COO of Nucleus Security, to:

  • Examine why legacy vulnerability management falls short for Continuous Threat and Exposure Management (CTEM): Traditional RBVM (risk-based vulnerability management) approaches often focus heavily on CVE prioritization, which can be limiting in today’s dynamic threat landscape. We will discuss the challenges of legacy VM systems and why they struggle to adapt to the evolving requirements of CTEM.
  • Discuss the benefits of automation in next-gen VM solutions: We’ll explore how advanced automation in next-gen VM tools can significantly reduce the pain points associated with legacy systems and improve vulnerability detection, prioritization, and response.
  • Outline what next-level VM maturity looks like: For organizations that have already achieved a degree of maturity, we’ll discuss what advanced VM practices entail and how to sustain and enhance them.

See you there!

Wednesday, May 29, 2pm ET