Prioritize Exposures with Real-World Threat Intelligence

Enrich your vulnerability data with real-world threat context to prioritize exploitable exposures.

Vulnerability Intelligence Dashboard Vulnerability Intelligence Dashboard

Centralize Your Vulnerability Intelligence to 
Operationalize Exploit Data 

Prioritize with Threat Intelligence Insights 

Prioritize risk based on exploitability and likelihood insights generated from 16+ intelligence feeds. 

Monitor Evolving Threats in One Platform 

Use the Nucleus Vulnerability Intelligence Platform (VIP) to immediately analyze risk of emerging threats.  

Bring Your Own 

Integrate custom intelligence sources seamlessly into your vulnerability and exposure workflows.


Operationalize Insights to Proactively Remediate Exploitable Risks 

Turn vulnerability intelligence and exploit data immediately into actionable insights. Automate risk-based workflows with Nucleus VIP Insights to prioritize and mitigate real-world risks.

  • Is it exploitable?
  • Is there a documented exploit?
  • Is it a malware exploit?
  • What is the likelihood of exploitation?
  • Does it impact OT systems?


Integrate and Operationalize Your Own Intelligence Data 

Combine outcomes from your cyber operations with publicly available threat intelligence. Operationalize your data in automated vulnerability and exposure management workflows to effectively customize your risk management at scale. 

Custom intelligence radar graphic


Accelerate Threat Assessment with the Nucleus Vulnerability Intelligence Platform 

Use Nucleus VIP to consolidate up to 16 intelligence feeds to automatically evaluate and categorize the risk of new vulnerabilities as soon as they are disclosed. Stay ahead of emerging threats and proactively mitigate exploitable exposures. 

Nucleus VIP screens

See Nucleus in Action

Discover how unified, risk-based automation can transform your vulnerability management.