Asset Group Comparison Report

Enabling customers to get the answers that matter to them fast and in the format they want is a driving force for product decisions.

Adam Dudley
November 4, 2021
Asset Group Comparison

Enabling customers to get the answers that matter to them fast and in the format they want is a driving force for product decisions here at Nucleus.

Numerous enterprise customers that are using Nucleus’s asset grouping feature to represent organizational taxonomy and ownership, requested the ability to report on how assets in an asset group performed in a given time period in contrast to other asset groups for top-level reporting and performance benchmarking purposes.

So we added the ability to report on metrics at the asset group level. This new Executive Group Comparison Report includes a comparison between asset groups in a specific timeframe and the unique and total vulnerabilities on the assets in the group. Here’s where to find it in Nucleus:

Where to find asset groups

The Executive Group Comparison Report is highly customizable, allowing you to optionally include vulnerability severity counts as different sections amongst other features:

executive group comparison report

Adam Dudley
Adam is Sr. Director Strategic Initiatives & Alliances at Nucleus Security, working closely with the company’s partners and integrations. Adam is also proudly the company’s longest-tenured non-founding employee.

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