Seamless Integration with Your Existing Process

Nucleus API

Nucleus Flexible Deployment Options

Save time and resources deploying the solution you need with the metrics that matter.

Feature-rich API w/ Core Functionality

The RESTFul API makes all functionality available, enabling you to build custom tools around Nucleus analytics and integration technology.

Custom Dashboards & Reporting

Use Nucleus analytics to quickly populate the information needed to build custom dashboards and reports in tools like PowerBI and Tableau.

Central Processing & Analytics Engine

Push vulnerability and scan data generated by your build processes, pipelines, and scripts to Nucleus for prioritization and actionable analytics.

Nucleus API for Flexible Deployment

Every organization has a different vulnerability management workflow. Nucleus allows you to customize how you utilize the Nucleus integration technology, analytics capabilities, and reporting metrics based on your needs. You can leverage Nucleus to be the integration mechanism and glue that pulls all your vulnerability information together, resulting in massive reduction in time to deploy an in-house solution and get the metrics you need. Enjoy seamless integration with your existing processes and continuous monitoring of vulnerability information.

Nucleus API


Centralized Vulnerability Information

Vulnerability scanning and discovery is just the first step towards a comprehensive vulnerability management program. Nucleus ingests and normalizes all of the vulnerability data in your enterprise into a single database, enabling your organization to analyze, track and search all vulnerability information, from all scanning tools, asset discovery tools, & penetration tests via a single API. Track historical vulnerability information across all tools, and use a single API to orchestrate actions in the CI/CD pipeline in response to vulnerability scan data.

Centralized Vulns

Custom Dashboards and Reports

Every organization has different requirements when it comes to vulnerabilities, from SLAs to high-risk thresholds to classification of information. The Nucleus API-only deployment allows you to query the Nucleus Database to pull out the metrics that you care about. This allows you to build dashboards and reports that can update in real-time. Use the Nucleus API to build Custom Reports for users at all levels of the organization, or even 3rd parties. Build Custom Dashboards in a BI tool by leveraging the in-depth analytics and attribute tracking of vulnerability information from Nucleus analytics, or generate Pre-Built Reports automatically to decrease effort and maintenance.

Custom Dashboards

See Nucleus in Action

Discover how unified, risk-based automation can transform your vulnerability management.