Orchestrate Remediation with Risk-Based Automation

Prioritize, ticket, assign owners, and track SLA performance to focus and accelerate remediation.

Vulnerability Remediation dashboard Vulnerability Remediation dashboard

Accelerate and Scale Your
Vulnerability Management Program

Scale Remediation with Precision 

Automate risk-based workflows: Prioritize, ticket, track, and continuously update stakeholders about critical exposures.  

Assign the Right Owners 

Operationalize metadata to automate and adapt complex ownership hierarchies to assign tickets faster with precision.  

Integrate Your Ticketing

Track the status of tickets with bi-directional integration and update as soon as new data is ingested or a status changes.  


Assign Tickets to Owners, Automatically 

Automatically assign tickets to the right teams and users. Operationalize ownership metadata in the Nucleus Dynamic Automation Framework to continuously adapt ownership assignment as the business evolves.

Ownership Assignment Screen


Stay Up-To-Date On Ticket Status 

Adjust the importance of risk factors based on your business needs instead of relying on a black-box solution. Nucleus will automatically recalculate all your risk scores and update your top risks. 

Ticketing Integration Screen


Two Strategies to Remediate Faster and Smarter

Nucleus enables you to prioritize high-risk vulnerabilities with precision — and group lower-risk issues by fix or sprint for efficient remediation. 

Expedited vs Efficient Remediation


Accept Risks and Manage Exceptions

Set time limits and document approvals to ensure every risk exception is managed responsibly. With Nucleus, exceptions remain active and fully tracked as new scan data is ingested and updated.

Exception Handling Screen


Track Resolutions Against SLAs to Measure and Communicate Performance

Define your SLAs and monitor ticket status and resolutions over time to measure and communicate performance. Trigger automated reports to align with key milestones or audit requirements, ensuring effective management of your vulnerability program.  

SLA Metrics Chart

See Nucleus in Action

Discover how unified, risk-based automation can transform your vulnerability management.